Monday, April 5, 2010

Sometimes I feel

For those of us old enough to have emerged from the purple haze and reckless abandon of the late 60's and early 70's, I'm sure you have a few pieces of music floating around your brain that bring back memories (if you can remember that far back...). I've had one of those moldy oldies floating around for years and have not been able to retrieve it because it was only recorded on vinyl and I didn't have it in my stash of LPs. (Yes, I admit I still have LPs.) Does anyone remember Sweetwater's Motherless Child?

Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child ...
Sometimes I feel like there's nobody there ...
That's how I've been feeling in my classes lately. It feels like the entire student population up and disappeared for a couple of weeks. I know we have rolling spring breaks across the campuses but it sure seems that students have taken more than that one week break to participate in various activities on the beach or on the slopes. Then it's taking a while to get back in the groove. I used to enjoy spring break when I taught on campus, but always felt that if you've got a rhythm going, why break it? I hope everyone gets back in the groove this week. can listen to this gem at Just search on Sweetwater to relive those thrilling days...of yesteryear.

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