When my daughters were little, they enjoyed the Little Critter books. The main character of these stories is a little guy who gets into all sorts of trouble and expresses his feelings in various ways (sometimes in not the best manner). Now that my granddaughter is 2, I'm back to reading Little Critter books to her. So here's my D2L salute to Mercer Mayer and his Little Critter.
- Why are there two different font styles between student view and instructor view? And the student view looks pretty ugly. I am so bugged.
- Why is there no “you forgot” message when you forget to enter a grade on the dropbox feedback page? This really bugs me.
- Why do some links in my class work just fine one day and then blow up the next day? Ahhhh!
- Why don’t the same files display correctly in one class and not display at all in a different section (same class)? I was so bugged.
- Why does D2L pick up junky code when I copy and paste from a Word document? It makes a messy document. Very buggy...
- Why do students leave assignments to the last minute and then complain they didn’t understand it? Drives me buggy!
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